Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sleeping Habits

I vividly remember sleeping in front of a floor fan when I was a kid. I used to sneak out of bed in the middle of the night and take my blanket and pillow to the living room where we had a box-style floor fan and I would proceed to sleep in front of it. My parents hated it, but I still to this day need to feel like an Eskimo while I sleep. Enter mini-me a.k.a. Antonio, a.k.a. Mother's curse; you know the one that goes something like "I hope you have a child just like yourself." I now have a vague concept of what it was like to raise me in my early years.

I can't get Antonio to spend an entire night in his bed. In the last week alone we have found him asleep on the couch upstairs, at the top of the stairs behind the gate, asleep on the couch in the downstairs living room, under our bed and asleep in the corner of our room. I don't think he is sleepwalking, I think he just gets bored. Under the guise of "being scared" he whines at the top of the stairs until someone either tells him to go back to bed or he consoles himself and falls asleep in random places.

Angelo on the other hand normally goes to sleep in his toddler bed, but sometimes wakes up and nestles behind his door. Unfortunately this makes opening his door to check on him near impossible since he wedges himself between the door and the wall. We put a child lock on the inside of Angelo's room for his own safety and our sanity. We really aren't ready for him to be running around upstairs with his brother because they might never go to sleep. Unfortunately Antonio sometimes kicks the sleeping tiger by opening the door early in the morning before we are ready to wake up. Those are usually the mornings that test our parental mettle.

We kicked around the idea of bunk beds...they are so not ready for that. They are already doing the flying elbow from the top turnbuckle. Angelo got sniped making the leap from the fireplace to the couch a few days ago even after Mommy told him not to. Clearly if they are jumping around like monkeys they are not ready for bunk beds. Luckily Mommy ceded her office to the new baby so we don't yet have to worry about consolidating children into the same room just yet. In the future it will be a foregone conclusion, but for now we are satisfied with the room assignments. It could always be worse.

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