Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Many Cheerios Can Fit In...

I noticed Angelo this morning had a cup full of Cheerios in the downstairs living room but didn't give it a second thought since he was snacking on them as he normally does. However, later while I was sitting downstairs I heard him proudly proclaiming that his brother's sword was full. I apprehensively shouted upstairs to him, "Full of what"? After receiving no response I ascended the stairs fearing the worst. When he saw me and ducked behind the couch I knew the answer couldn't be good. The pile of smashed Cheerios that littered the floor confirmed my suspicion. Sure enough Angelo had packed about three dozen Cheerios into the hilt and the sword sounded like a maraca when swung.

Needless to say Angelo ended up in his room in timeout which I could tell hurt his feelings. I went to the bathroom with the sword and shook it until all the Cheerios came out in the sink (about 2 minutes). After doing so I went in to Angelo's room and explained that I wasn't mad at him, but that I was disappointed that he was wasting food and made a huge mess. Had he stuffed the sword with anything else (Legos, Playmobil pieces etc.) I would not have been angry at all and it would have demonstrated an advanced understanding of spatial relationships and problem solving skills. He understood and gave me a big hug and the playing continued...this time without Cheerios.

This is not the first time we have found food upstairs. My two little Houdinis always manage to pilfer food out of the refrigerator or pantry while we aren't looking and sneak away with it. The remnants we normally find include half-eaten bananas, wrappers, apple cores etc. As a result we are now enforcing a strict no food upstairs policy to combat the covert food legerdemain. We are also considering a pad lock on the refrigerator and and a biometric lock for the pantry. Retinal scan anyone? With a third mini-man appetite on the horizon now may be a good time to look into food security.

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