Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Honestly, Who is Responsible for the Infant Clothing?

So the other day I had sole responsibility for all three boys and after getting the older two off to bed I was left alone with the baby. No sweat right. Right! So Giancarlo who was wearing one part Eau de Butternut Squash, one part milk residue and one part drool was due for a change of clothes. So I whisk him off to his room and attempt to find a new outfit so that daddy can have some quiet time. Like any loving parent would do I strapped him down on the changing table to ensure he didn't roll off and then I grabbed the first outfit I saw. It said 6-9 months so I figured surely my son being only 7 months old it will fit. Well let's just say that after I wedged all of his rolls into the outfit that he looked more like an Olympic power lifter than a baby. Giancarlo was visibly uncomfortable so I decided that a different outfit was in order. Having learned my lesson the first time I opted for the one that said 12 months. This one was much looser but the disheartening thing was that it had more buttons that the cockpit of an F-16. I mean honestly who designed the 10-button romper? Why can't they just put Velcro on there or something? In this age of technology there has got to be something better.

So here are my recommendations for baby clothes manufacturers:
  1. The size on the label should closely resemble my children. 6 months should mean 6 months. Yes, we grow bigger than average infants in this house but they aren't twice the size of children their age. Until the manufacturers adjust I will have to keep subtracting 3 to 6 from whatever the manufacturer says to find an approximation for my kids.
  2. Find a way to make a romper with 6 buttons. 7 max. Double digits is unacceptable at anytime not to mention fumbling around at 2 AM changing a diaper in the dark.
  3. Explore alternate means of fastening. Velcro, Zip-Lock, double-sided tape whatever. I'm willing to explore new options.
I'm almost ready to dress up baby like a Halloween ghost! I'm going to cut a hole in the top of a pillowcase, one for each arm, and cinch it at the waist with some rope. Who's coming with me?

1 comment:

jess trent said...

I am coming with you! LOL!