Sunday, February 1, 2009

Newborn Smiles: Signs of Affection or Gas Pains?

Over the past week or so as I have held Giancarlo in my arms I have noticed him smiling ever so sweetly as all my boys have done. As my paternal instincts return to me and I caress my newborn I would love to think that he is smiling because he knows me, or has heard my voice for months and it is a comforting sound, but I know way back in the back of my mind that this is just the universal expression of gas pains (and subsequent relief). Surely there can't be much pressure building up inside because his tiny body simply can't hold very much, which I suppose makes gas all the more frequent in newborns. True to form every bit of flatulence is invariably followed by a toothless grin as he revels in the most instinctual form of self-gratification.

The faces he makes during flatulence range from simple smiles to the wide-eyed to the "that was so loud I just scared myself" types. Today as we were attending the Baptism class at St. Ann's Giancarlo's eyes rolled back in his head, smiled widely and then he proceeded to drop a massive load. The expressions are priceless and sometimes I can't help but laugh along with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think the smiling and laughing is a mixture of self-gratification and recognizing you.

I experience the same events with my 3 month old and was curious enough to do some research on the topic. My research led me to find out that my child (and your child) are experiencing what you recognized, but there is no way to determine if they are happy farting, happy to see you or happy because of both events.

I prefer to believe he is happy to see me and we are both laughing at his farts.
